Watch2Gether Keyboard Shortcuts

Watch2Gether supports the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • [Spacebar]: Toggle Play/Pause
  • k: Toggle Play/Pause
  • [Arrow Right]: Skip 10 seconds ahead
  • [Arrow Left]: Skip 10 seconds back
  • f: Switch to Fullscreen
  • n: Play next item in playlist
  • c: Toggle detached chat popup
  • u: Toggle user bar
  • s: Focus search input
  • t: Toggle sidebar
  • [Escape]: Scroll to top & unfocus all input fields

F needs to be replaced ASAP! I can’t use Ctrl+F to find a video on a long playlist!
Edit: or somehow make it work with Ctrl+F.

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I can confirm, the forced fullscreen is problematic when doing a search on the page, though a temporary solution is to move your mouse to the top center to hit the x overlay to close full screen without closing the search input.

Thank you both for your feedback! This was indeed an issue. It should be fixed now, keyboard input is ignored when a modifier (CTRL, ALT) is pressed.

Please make it so you have the option to disable the keyboard shortcuts

Thanks for your feedback. What issues do you have with the shortcuts?

Let us disable this! It’s annoying.

Hi there… Do you accidentally trigger the shortcuts somehow?

Yes it’s extremely irritating.
Whenever I click out of the text box to select a new video I almost always end up hitting a letter and doing something annoying.
When I decided to complain I hit n thinking I was back in the text box and I skipped a whole video, given that youtube doesn’t always track progress on a video, and Watch2 doesn’t always sync it anyway, we spent a white trying to figure out where we were again on a 9 hour stream we were watching.

I misclick or get out of focus sometimes and find myself hotkeying to random effect
it’s usually just a minor annoyance except when it triggers synching/loading/buffering issues

a toggle to disable them would be apperciated

Thanks a lot for that feedback! I’ll put that on the todo list!

I use w2g a lot with a friend of mine. Sometimes, we screw up and write in the w2g window instead of skype, triggering hundreds of shortcuts. An option to disable them would be very convenient, an even better solution would be to either don’t trigger shortcuts when multiple keys in a row are pressed (would require a delay though) or pause shortcut triggering when “wrong” letters are pressed (wouldn’t require a delay, but when typing words which start with a shortcut the prevention will fail).

Thanks a lot for your input. These are some smart suggestions! I will roll out an update that addresses this issue soon.

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Can you add ability to hide chat?

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Twitch audio not working (many times). Is there a way to fix it?

@kickasskilla Can you post a Twitch link that is not working for you?

Actually I can’t since I cannot reproduce it constantly.
Happened under linux, it’s happening now under windows (only for me, my mate is hearing it correctly).
Anyway, try this out:

Anyway, thank you in advance for the assistance!

Thanks in this room the sound works for me. Which browser are you using?

I just rolled out a fix which should display a unmute message when the twitch player loads. Does that work for you?