Watch2gether API

So I am currently coding a discord-bot and I decided to create a command which opens a new room with a provided (youtube) link. Is this achievable with watch2gether? Is there some sort of undocumented API?

Thanks for your request. I sent you a PM.

Any chance I could get that as well. Also making a discord bot for this purpose )

I just sent you a PM.

can i get too? me too coding discord bot.

I’m also making a Discord Bot. Can I get access too?

Could I aslo get access to this? Would love to make a bot for this also

Hey there. I want to do a discord bot too. Can you send my this too?

Hey any chance I could get this information aswell?

I just sent you a PM!

Could I get a PM too? I’m interested in adding it to my Discord bot.

Hey, its been a while, but can i get a DM too? I’m building a Discord bot too.

Can I please get a PM too, for a bot i’m working on.