Titles of video not showing on vid or on list

Hey I am having issues seeing the titles from the videos on the vids and on the list from Youtube after I recently cleaned out my cache and cookies in Firefox to try to fix something on another site. Is there a way to fix it? I can see the vid, it’s all the info is all gone and the list shows the video links.

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Thanks for your feedback. Im not exactly sure if i understand the issue correctly. Where in the user interface are you missing the titles? In the History?

I do have a screenshot if it helps, I circled the areas where it was messed up. May I send it to you? (I tried putting it here but the site won’t let me.)

It’s mostly on the main video list I update often and of course on the video when I pause.

EDIT: Made a link: Watch2gether bug - Album on Imgur

I have the same problem. Last weekend i did not have the same problems or ever before…

Yes, thanks for your bug report. There is currently an issue looking up Youtube videos. Im working on a fix.

@user_d9396e2f8226948 this is actually unrelated to your browser.

Thank you very much! I was worried that firefox was messing up on something else again but glad it’s getting fixed! :slight_smile:

This should be fixed for any new videos you add. Not sure about the missing title in the player… I assume this is actually unrelated and a change on Youtube’s end. Will look into it tomorrow.

OK no problem! Thank you again! :slight_smile: