Problem iframe web

Thanks for your work on watch 2 gather. I would like to subscribe to your site. I would like to integrate your site to my wordpress site with an ifrma like: <iframe src = “” width = “1200” height = “800”> but I have several problems.
1- I can’t access the playlist.
2-I cannot add video by clicking on the + button of a video.
3-I have a disconnection error see attachment.

Can you tell me how to solve these problem? thank you in advance for your return.
Kind regards.

Translated with google translate because I am French and do not speak English

Thanks a lot for your feedback. Embedding Watch2Gether into other websites is currently not supported. We are working on an embeddable version which should be released within the next month.

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Have you been able to make progress on this feature?
I want to use your site on the site

With an iframe of this symtax:

<iframe src = “” width = “1200” height = “800”

Or other, do you have a technique so that all the options of your site work on
Thank you in advance for your return and have a good start.

Translated with google translate

Im sorry… embedding is not yet working. Sorry for the delay but it’s still on the todo list.