Playlist not working correctly

First just wish to state this is an issue with a room I am the controller of.

When I first launch the playlist it will play perfectly fine, I am able to pause and unpause the video at my own leisure and can change the video being played to a different one in the playlist. However after a few minutes of an single video running, I find that the room breaks and I can’t pause the video being showed or change the video to another one. This issue has been around for the past several weeks and I have found the only way to resolve it is to refresh the page, which gives me a moment of being able to control things, however afterwards it won’t again. I have also noticed that once a video has gotten to the end of its length, it refused to change to the next video in the playlist.

Any thing I can do to clear up this problem?

Thanks a lot for your feedback. Does “I can’t pause the video being showed or change the video to another one” mean that you can not do this at all in any way or does this only mean you can not select another video from a playlist. Reading your post i’m not sure if this issue is actually related to the playlist system or a more general problem.

After you have lost control it would be helpful if you could send me a screenshot of the console window:

Right click on the page > Select “Inspect” > Select the “Console Tab” > Take a screenshot and send it to

“I can’t pause the video being showed or change the video to another one”

I refer to this as both. If I am viewing a video, I will be unable to pause said video, nor would I be able to select a different video in the playlist, or in other player lists. As for sending a screenshot of the console window, doing so now.

Thank you for the assistance.