Mobile app

It seems people can’t use the website on mobile so do you think you’ll make a mobile app at some point so people can watch2gether on phones and tablets?

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PLEASE do this. I’m on an iPad and trying to use the site is… to put it lightly, not easy. Rabbit does, and all the better for it! Thanks. Rexo!

Thanks a lot for your input! What kind of issues do you see on your iPad?

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Basically it’s really unresponsive, and so getting the stream to play is basically impossible.

You mean it feels laggy? Is it different when you use a laptop / desktop on the same internet connection?

Laggy, yes. It’s fine on my laptop.

Well, for example, I have an issue with wacthing videos from over sites (I can’t watch on tablet) , while my friends on their PCs , just have to download plugin and watch everything as they wish