Locked room, still random users join


I have a room that I only made available for members. Still random users (that I have not accepted) join in sometimes. Is that supposed to happen?

Do you mean new users join in and you are asked to accept or deny them? This would be the normal behaviour.

Nope, that’s the strange part. “User joined the room / user left the room”

I don’t like lurkers in my locked room, that’s why I am asking, hehe :slight_smile:

Also; how do random users even find the room? The link has only been shared with the members already in there with nicknames.

Do you only see these messages in the chat or are they appearing in the user list and are able to interact with the room (writing messages, playing items)?

I only see these messages in the chat. They don’t appear in the user list and I have never seen them say anything in the room.

And these messages are not from users who are members of the room anyway? If someone has a shaky internet connection these kind of reconnects are quite normal.

Nope, the members in the room already “offline” in the room with their nicks. I never kick the members out since its a small room with only 8 people in it. I use the room as a radio station while working, I often see during those hours “user joined the room … user left the room”. That makes me wonder how they found the room, and why a user I haven’t accepted join in and leave. I can take a screenshot next time it happens if that will help.

Would be horrible if a random user suddenly deleted our playlist and stuff. I don’t wanna “lock” the playlist because that affect the members also.

Thanks for quick replies btw :slight_smile:

Could it be that you see your own user joined / user left message? Or which user names are displayed next to the message?

I have no idea :slight_smile: All I know is that sometimes it comes a message in the chat stating “User joined the room” and after some seconds, “User left the room”. This has happen many times. Hopefully it’s just a bug and that they can’t delete anything.

I think it’s your own message. Happens when the browser looses the connection to the server and a reconnect is triggered.

Hopefully. Thanks for your help. Made me more calm now :slight_smile: Your service is great. Keep doing your thing and I will try to be more active in the community with ideas and such.

Thank you :slight_smile: & enjoy Watch2Gether!