Is there a way to remove people from the room in a more permanent way besides Banning?

My friend and I are using this to watch things together and we’ll occasionally invite friends to hop in and hang out, the issue is that the ones who come join on mobile have a hard time leaving at times and their icon stays in the users list even when they’re banned. Is there a way to remove them completely that’s not just banning? If not, is there a reason why that wasn’t implemented?

Thanks for you feedback. You can remove offline users under “Permissions” > “Members” by clicking on the “X” symbol next to a users entry in the user list. However, even when you ban a user, they should no longer appear in the main user list at the bottom of the site. Is this not the case?

No, We’re wanting to remove them from the My Rooms Homescreen as well. Is there a way to remove them from there?

We need to keep banned users in the database in order to save the “banned” status. But you are right, they should not appear in the userlist of the homescreen. That’s a bug and i’ll fix it in the next days.

However, you should be able to entirely remove offline users by clicking on the “X” symbol in a room’s permissions settings. Did you try that?

This issue should be fixed now.

It was fixed! Thank you so much