How to turn on closed captions

Is there a way to turn on closed captions for videos? I can’t seem to figure it out.

Hi there! Are you talking about Youtube videos? There should be a CC button in the player control bar when they are available for a specific video.

Yes for youtube videos but there isn’t a CC button in the video when I watch it on watch2gether. Only when I watch it in youtube (the subtitles are auto-generated for what it’s worth)

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Thanks for clarifying that. There seems to be a difference between auto generated and user generated subtitles and how YouTube’s Player handles them. I’ll check if auto generated CCs can be enabled on Watch2Gether!

Any update on this? I’m experiencing the same thing. The closed-caption feature from Youtube (auto-generated subtitle) is not available.

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The player API from Youtube is a bit limited when it comes to closed captions. But i’ll have a second look to check if that can be improved!

What about Vimeo videos?

Any update? post must be at least 20 chars

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