hi i want to add 3 of my friends but i dont know how to do that.
any feedback would be good.
I am having the same problem…I’m on a MacBook Pro…you?
Simply send them the link to your room any way you like (Email, Facebook, any kind of instant messaging)
There was no link because I was using my Safari browser (Mac). I clicked the Add icon and got nothing. The solution was to use Chrome browser. Then I saw the link when I clicked the Add icon, and I was able to copy and add people.
Is there a way to adjust my settings so that when I give the link to my permanent room to a bunch of people they can all just enter the room without me having to individually “thumbs up” each one?
Yes you have to disable “Members Only” in the moderation section of your room settings (To open the settings, click on the Icon in the top right)
Is there a way to add moderators who can chat/participate and add people that can only watch/not participate?