Give us an option to revert back to the previous version of the website

Hello, I would like to say that I use this platform every day and have never once encountered any problems. However, ever since the big update it changed. My computer freezes and sometimes I have to restart it because it never unfreezes. Anything I click causes my whole browser to freeze. plus when I put up a video from YouTube it gets unsynced and starts to replay certain parts to sync back with my boyfriend. if I try to pause it will keep replaying the same part over and over till he stops it. Speaking of my boyfriend, he thankfully hasn’t experienced any of these problems which is why I feel like you should add an option that would allow certain users such as myself to revert to the previous version of the website.

I love this website and I would appreciate it if you could consider this suggestion. because If this problem persists, I’ll have to look for another website.

thank you for your time!

Thanks lot for your bug report! Which browser / version are you using? Did you try to disable your installed extensions and check of that makes a difference? (You can also try to use Watch2Gether in an incognito window which should disable all installed extensions).

I’m using it on the latest version of Chrome; the only extension I use is Grammarly. yes, I’ve tried to do that but the problem remains. also, I don’t use the watch2gether extension. I’m not interested in using it incognito because it has nothing to do with the extension. I still feel like an option to revert the update would be great! I don’t even know why the update was needed. The website was great before! anyway, I hope there is a way to resolve this cause it’s ruining my experience. Thank you for responding!

Thanks for your feedback once more. Both, the new and the old layout run the same code, they just look different. I was therefore curious why you are seeing the issues only with the new layout. For now you can revert to the old layout by visiting Watch2Gether | Beta Features But please keep in mind that this option won’t stay forever. It would be better to figure out what causes the issues with the new layout.