[GER] Streamcloud

Heyho liebes Watch2Gether-Team und andere…

Wäre es möglich Streamcloud hinzuzufügen, damit man von dieser Plattform Videos gucken kann?
Wäre aufjedenfall richtig cool… Und nunja, das wars eigentlich schon…

LG Mnesi

Hey Watch2Gether-Team and other people,

Is it possible to add Streamcloud to the “Watch”-List, so you can watch the videos there?
That would be definitely really cool… Well yes, that was all what i wanted…

Greetings Mnesi

Thanks a lot for your request. In general its a great idea to add more video platforms to Watch2Gether and i’m open for any suggestions. The problem with Streamcloud is its legal status regarding copyright and the risks an integration would mean for Watch2Gether. So at this stage its unlikely that we can add it…