Exporting playlists feature

PLEASE implement as a feature. CMON. It’s such an easy idea and it is so useful.

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Thanks for your input. Do you mean “Export” in the sense to move one playlist to another Watch2Gether room?


i too would like improved video management,
like renaming playlists, organizing them better (rearranging)
importing playlists and a new playlist and not just into a currently existing playlist.
the ability to have a W2G playlist as a playlist you can open in other W2G rooms is what i think he ment,
maybe a seen this video tag for a room basis, so you can tell if this video has played in a room before
a currently playing list might be important, so people can add videos to the current que randomly from stocked playlists (this implies people use playlists to store video to play at a later date)(but categories might be interesting to have for a current list) so you can pick which videos to play in a given session.

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Thank you very much for your input. I’m planning to enhance the playlist system but i’d like to take the opportunity to have a little discussion about it.

Right now all playlists are tied to one specific room. Everyone in the room can add or remove items (if moderation is not enabled). Exporting a playlist would create a copy of a playlist and turn it into a personal asset of a user. What happens if such a playlist is added back to room. I see three options:

  • A copy is created again, all changes to that list are just applied to the copy in the room.
  • The user playlist is linked into the room. All changes are applied to the playlist of the user (Risky, someone could delete a users playlist.
  • The user playlist is linked into the room but only the owner of a list can make changes.

What would you guys prefer?


Idea: nel caso che la funzione di moderazione (del canale) non viene abilitata, dare la possibilità sia a Utenti non registrati e a quelli registrati di poter (solo):
1)-selezionare la Play-List (ma non cancellarla o aggiungere);
2)-selezionare i Video (ma non cancellarli o aggiungere).
3)-aggiungere accanto ai Video un valore di gradimento (da 1 stella a 5 stelle).
Grazie, per questo lavoro messo a disposizione.

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Thanks a lot for your input. Google translate helped me out a bit :slight_smile: I will consider your feedback when working on the playlist system!


Hey there, how is it going?
I’d like the idea of rearranging playlists and stuff, but would you mind making the export-feature in a way that you can export them from W2G-rooms into your own YouTube account, so that YouTube creates a new playlist with all the videos in it… is that possible?
Because I’ve had the problem, that a friend of mine has such a great playlist, and I wanna continue listening to this also outside of his W2G-room. Even importing the playlist into my own room, as mentioned in your first reply in this thread, would help.
Thank you for your work, amazing site btw!
Best regards

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Hi & thanks for your feedback! Does Youtube have an import feature? I’m not so sure about that right now. You have to keep in mind as well that W2G playlists can contain content from many different platforms and not just Youtube.

this would be a great idea… I have many rooms with different friends and sometimes i like to have the same playlist on multiple rooms without having to recreate it again

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Hello Florian. I hope its not too late to enter this discussion. Exporting playlists would be useful, for a number of use cases:

  • Just making a backup. For this, a simple TXT export would suffice, in some standard format (does such a thing exist?)
  • Transfer from one room to another, but I guess this can be done within watch2gether rather than requiring an external export. I agree with @rocco.reichelt that this would be good to have.
  • Other platforms, but here you run into the issue of what format they accept and as you said, whether they actually have an import feature.

To answer your question: It is interesting that you propose the concept of a “user-owned asset”, not linked to a specific room. In my opinion, you don’t need this. The “all-free-access, in one room only” model works just fine.

I agree with @austinpinheiro that better playlist management functions would however be useful, e.g.

  • Move/copy playlists between rooms (as said above)
  • Merge lists: Add a playlist to the top/bottom of another playlist, in any room
  • Rename the default playlist (sorry if this is already there, but I missed it and had to recreate my list under a new name)
  • Rename / reorder playlists

Thanks so much for creating and maintaining this marvellous tool!

Hi. I just wanted to revive this topic a bit by sharing a website that can convert playlists across platforms and might make the issue with exporting playlists a bit easier to tackle, or at least give you an idea of where to start.

Aside from that, I’ve used a few tools that require you to log into your account and authorize the tool, then it can manipulate playlists and things for you.

Example: https://ytplaylistsorter.carterrj.co.uk/

Without authorizing something, youtube API limits unnamed playlists to 50 items, and I’m not sure about other platforms.
Example: Parse Youtube Links and Create Playlist - Chrome Web Store

How the 50 limit playlist works: How to create a YouTube playlist from a list of links? - Web Applications Stack Exchange

You could have something parse through the links in the watch2gether playlist and generate playlists for the different platforms in increments based on the respective API limits.

I would love to see this implemented, and best of luck in doing so if it is still on your to-do list!

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Thanks for your feedback. Do I understand you correctly that you would like to export playlists from Watch2Gether or looking for an improved import from other platforms?


Yes, you are correct. Export playlists from watch2gether.

Also, if you go the parsing into unnamed playlists route for the youtube songs, don’t forget to mention that they have to click the add to queue button on a video from the suggestions to convert it from unnamed and enable saving as a playlist. Youtube still has a lot of kinks they need to work out until we don’t have to jump through hoops.

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Just the option to export a w2g playlist as simple text file with all links would be very nice


I completely agree with this. It would really be beneficial to export a text file (or any other form of a file) which would contain all the links to the music that’s in there.

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