Closed Captions option not available in the settings gear menu

I’m trying to watch a subbed video with my friend in the chatroom and the closed caption option in order to see the subs, is not available when we click the gear button menu, only the new options for video resolution. How do we see the captions since the video is in another language ( neither of ours)? How do we turn them on?

The player system has been updated and subtitles are not yet supported in the new system. We are working on this issue and the option will be back soon. In the meantime you can try to start a video on Youtube and enable the subtitles there. When you load the same video in Watch2Gether it should display the captions as well.

Hi there,

Sorry to barge in, but I’m wondering if you could allow for room owners to upload a subtitles srt file? The videos I want to play are in a different language and the only subtitled ones available in youtube are pretty badly translated or have huge font sizes. But if instead I was able to upload an srt file, I could just play the untranslated original videos.

Thanks for the great site, by the way!


Thanks a lot for your feedback and your idea. This would require a bit more effort to implement but i will keep it mind!