Android layout and keyboard issues

Android 10 (QPOS30.52-29-7-6)
MS SwiftKey

Chrome browser (v 88.0.4324.181):
Only 1 line of the playlist is visible at a time.
Both Gboard and SwiftKey keyboards obscure the search bar.
Type direction is reversed in the search bar!

Firefox browser (v 86.1.1 Build #2015794883):
Only 2 lines of the playlist are visible at a time.
Both Gboard and SwiftKey keyboards obscure the search bar.
Type direction is correct.

Thanks a lot for your input (once more). Are you talking about the search bar of the playlist? (To search within a playlist)

yes, the playlist search bar.

The reverse typing on chrome is a bit weird. The first character is inserted whereever the cursor is, then the cursor moves to the first position for each of the remaining characters. But you can’t see this happening, as the bar is obscured by the keyboard.

Net result on an empty search bar is reverse text.

I tried to reproduce the reverse typing issue but was not able to so far. Do you think it might be related to the keyboards you are using?

Yes, sorry, in the Chrome.browser:

MS SwiftKey keyboard types backwards.

The default Google Gboard keyboard, types forwards, but you can’t edit what you’ve typed without it overwriting all keyed text.