Add the current playing video to the playlist

there’s no way to add the video playing in the main window to the playlist. I have to click the video to exit to youtube then get the url from youtube then paste it into the search bar then when the video icon appears click on the plus to add it to the playlist. Also would be nice to add videos from the history to the playlist. just a hassle.

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I agree, that this process should be easier. It often happens that someone clicks the video icon (which starts the song, but doesn’t add it to the list), and then searches for something else, which leads to the situation you described. Same goes for adding videos from history to playlist.

This has been far too long ignored.
It’s a feature that needs to be added.
That, and to add a video from history in a playlist.
It’s just common sense.

Thanks for the reminder. It actually possible to add the current video to playlist by clicking on the + icon in the chat message that belongs to the video. You are right, that the option to add a video from the history is still missing. I‘ll put that on the todo list.

You are right.
I strongly suggest that you add the next function through the same twisted way you added this one.
For instance, to add a video from history, you have to :

  • click on the profile of one of the listener/viewer to unpin it.

  • Enlarge it to exactly 341 pixels, then a menu appears

  • In the said menu, one can :
    – Add a video to a cache system
    – Remove video from a cache system
    – Divide the cache memory by two so one can add two videos in the cache system, but only if the title of the said video has limited data when converted from string to int using ASCII
    – Use a video stored in the cache system to put it into the playlist, by typing the title in binary followed by the cache slot where the video is stored, separated by to sharps, one arobase and three stars, doubled in a symmetrical manner
    – launch an Easter egg where a rabbit dance… well no worry about that, it’s already implemented
    When one of those instructions is done, user needs to confirm by closing the browser and open it again 23 seconds later. If out of frame, it resets.

  • Profit.

That way, it way, it will quite as easy to use as the option to check a hidden chat (under a small icon) to browse videos and add it to your playlist.


You could, you know, add a button “add to curent playlist” next to the video.

Your call :stuck_out_tongue:

I think i got your point :wink: